What type of kerbs do Tobermore manufacture?
We manufacture two types of large kerbs. Fusion and Textured. We also manufacture a range of small element kerbs. Kerbstones, Kerb Large, Kerb small, Tegula Kerb Large and Fusion Edge.
Why are kerbs required?
Kerbs are essential as they act as a restraint to prevent creeping of the paving and prevent loss of structural integrity.
How are kerbs installed?
Kerbs should be bedded in concrete and haunched with concrete. The strength of concrete specified should be sufficiently strong depending on the application. String lines and spirit levels should be used to regularly check the line and level.
Do Tobermore offer special internal and internal corners for Kerbstones?
Specials are not required when using Kerbstones as the units can be set at right angles to easily form internal and external corners.
What precautions should I take when lifting Fusion and Textured Kerbs?
Maintenance and Safety: Ensure the equipment is well maintained. Injuries can occur if lifting equipment is not maintained. Care should also be taken with the handle grips,when worn or loose, may allow operatives’ hands to slip on the equipment.
Correct Selection of Lifting Equipment
Investigate the differences between equipment available for the proposed work. Ensure the manufacturer has certification / guarantees to ensure that the equipment has been designed for the intended use. Ascertain the lowest safe working load of the equipment. Check the equipment is in good working order and not damaged. Vacuum lifting equipment should have vacuum heads/ pads which are suitable for the units being lifted.
Training: Ensure operatives have been properly trained to use the lifting device chosen.
Can Fusion and Textured kerbs be lifted with Mechanical Lifting Equipment?
Yes there are various scissor lift attachments, mechanical grabs and vacuum lifting devices available.
Do Tobermore offer special corner blocks for Kerb Large, Kerb Small and Tegula Kerb Large?
Can kerbs be installed flush with surrounding paving or tarmac?
Yes, Fusion, Textured, kerbstones can all be laid flush.
What is the purpose of kerbs?
Kerbs provide a physical ‘check’ to prevent vehicles leaving the road and create a barrier between road traffic and pedestrians.
What is a slow radius?
A slow radius refers to a radius of 9m for example.
What is a fast radius?
A fast radius refers to the radius being tight, 1m for example.
Do Tobermore offer cheese blocks (Quadrant kerbs) in Fusion and Textured kerbs?
Yes. Find them here: Fusion Quadrant kerb. Textured Quadrant kerb.
Are Fusion and Textured kerbs faced on all sides?
No, they are faced on the top and front. They can also be faced on the end as a special order.
Do Tobermore offer internal and external corners for Fusion and Textured kerbs?
Do Tobermore offer dropper and centre kerbs?
Do Tobermore radii kerbs come in internal and external?
Do Tobermore offer radii kerbs?
Yes, we offer various sizes of radii kerbs in the Fusion and Textured kerb ranges.
Is kerbing required around Tobermore block paving?
Yes, all areas of paving will require some form of firm edge restraint for the paving to be laid to. This can be a flush kerb, raised kerb or a building. See our full range of kerbs here.