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Celebrate Feed the Birds Day 2024: Transform your Garden into a Bird-Friendly Haven

By Kirsty McBride
Head of Order Management IOI
October 7, 2024
3 min read

What is Feed the Birds Day?

Held each year on the 29th of October, Feed the Birds Day marks the beginning of incoming colder weather and works as a reminder that birds are going to need some extra help over the winter period. The Feed the Birds scheme advocates for the protection of all birds and their habitats. As late autumn and early winter arrive, food sources for birds become scarce, and finding anything to eat can become extremely difficult for them.

Use Feed the Birds Day as an opportunity and reminder to get that bird feeder at the ready!

Why are birds so important?

Birds are vital to our ecosystems. They control pest populations by feeding on insects, and they can help pollinate plants and disperse seeds, promoting plant growth and biodiversity. Scavenger species clean up organic waste, reducing disease spread while ground-feeding birds aerate the soil, enhancing its fertility. As indicators of environmental health, changes in bird populations can signal shifts in ecosystems, making them crucial for monitoring ecological balance.

How to make your garden bird-friendly.

Late October is an ideal time to start planning how you can make your garden more bird-friendly and support local wildlife through the winter months.

Offer a food source

One simple way to provide food is by adding bird feeders to your garden. The great thing about bird feeders is that there are plenty of options available, so there’s something for everyone, whether you’re just starting out or an experienced bird enthusiast. From basic tray feeders and hanging seed feeders to suet cages and window-mounted styles, you can find a simple solution that fits your space and budget. Even a DIY feeder made from household items can attract a variety of birds, making it easy for anyone to get involved.

Provide fresh water

It’s good to ensure that you provide a regular supply of clean water for birds. Shallow containers, like bin lids or plant saucers, work well but make sure you clean them regularly.

Create shelter

Birds need safe places to hide from predators and bad weather. Dense bushes, hedges, and even birdhouses offer excellent shelter and nesting spots.

Add native plants to your garden

Plant shrubs, trees, and flowers that produce natural food like berries, seeds, and nectar. Native plants also attract insects, which many birds rely on for food.

feed the birds 2024

Wondering what to feed the birds? Here’s what they’ll love!

When choosing bird food, aim for a balanced mix that includes seeds, peanuts, suet, and mealworms to attract a variety of species. Thrushes and Blackbirds will especially enjoy fruit, so consider putting out overripe or bruised apples and pears. While household scraps like pastry, cooked rice, and breadcrumbs can be tempting to offer, they should be given sparingly and only as an occasional treat. Providing a diverse diet will help keep the birds in your garden healthy and happy year-round.

It’s important to note foods that really shouldn’t be fed to birds:

  • Cooked turkey fat: Cooked turkey fat can coat a bird’s feathers with grease, leading to serious issues for their health and mobility.
  • Dog Biscuits: Birds may struggle with the hard pieces, which can lead to choking. Additionally, dog biscuits can attract unwanted animals like cats or squirrels, which is not ideal for birds seeking refuge in your garden.
  • Milk: Birds are unable to digest milk and feeding it to them could be fatal. However, they can safely eat fermented dairy products like cheese.
  • Salty foods: Salty foods can be harmful to birds, as their small bodies are not equipped to handle high levels of salt. Consuming salty snacks can cause dehydration and excessive thirst, which birds may struggle to manage, especially in winter when water sources are scarce.

Creating a bird-friendly garden is not only enjoyable but is a vital contribution to local wildlife. By providing food, water, and shelter, you’ll attract a vibrant array of birds while enhancing your garden’s beauty. Let’s all do our bit to feed the birds!


Kirsty McBride

Head of Order Management IOI
Kirsty is the Head of Order Management IOI at Tobermore. She is responsible for overseeing Tobermore’s team of sales advisors to drive sales and provide expert advice to homeowners across Ireland.

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